Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Vol 14, Issue 1, Jan-Mar, 2024

The Official Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Society (PBS) (Registered under Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860 No. 122 of 1966-1967,) (432/10) and is being published since 2011. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (AJPHS), a peer-reviewed, quarterly published, international print journal /open access on web, to encourage researchers to make fruitful contributions in the fields of Pharmaceutical, and Health Sciences. The Journal publishes Case reports, Original research work either as a Full Research Paper, or Short Communication and Review Articles. The goal of the journal is to provide quality scientific publications in the field of Pharmacy and healthcare segment. AJPHS provides free access to the full text of research articles for anyone, web-wide.

Research Article

In-Vitro, In-Vivo, Computational Toxicology Screening Models in Drug Discovery

Jyoshna Rani,Sedam Sai Madhuri,Sai Vineela,Ravi Alvala
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,14(1):2927-2939