Analysis of the Qualitative and Quantitative Dermatoglyphic Traits in Breast Cancer Patients Association with ABO Blood Group

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,2013,3,2,705-709.
Published:May 2013
Type:Research Articles
Author(s) affiliations:

Kavita Pahuja1,*, Geeta2, Jaskaran Singh3, S K Aggarwal

1Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, India. 

2,3Senior Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, India. 

 4Retd. Professor, Department of Anatomy, J. L. N. Medical College, Ajmer, India.


Dermatoglyphics provide one of most fruitful subjects of investigations in the field of medical and forensic sciences. Alexander correlates the blood groups to pathological conditions like gastrointestinal, carcinoma and cardiovascular diseases. Blood groups B and AB were especially prone to cancer a conclusion echoed by later workers Mithra and Pautienis 1937, both noticed a greater propensity of groups A and AB to develop cancer. Several dermatoglyphic researchers claim a very high degree of accuracy in their prognostic ability from the hand's features. The association of blood group and different diseases with dermatoglyphics has been used as a scientific tool for early prediction and thus prevention of the development of different diseases.The present study aimed to evaluate the association of dermatoglyphic patterns with different blood groups and also to evaluate the role of dermatoglyphics in early detection of prone individuals and genetic predisposition of disease. Studies were conducted in 100 patients of breast cancer and various dermatoglyphics parameters.These parameters of study group were compared to controls. Qualitative analysis has shown statistically significant difference among two groups. It was observed that in blood groups A, AB and O, the Whorl pattern in both hands of cancer patients were pre-dominant when compared those of controls and the difference was highly significant (P< 0.05 and 0.001) while loop ulnar pattern was highly significant (P<0.001). Tented arch pattern was highly significant (P<0.05) in left hand of blood group A. The main line index in the study group when compared to controls observed the difference.

Comparison of finger print patterns of right hand in control and breast cancer patients with respect to their blood groups A, B, AB, O (