Instruction to Authors


  1. Research articles, reviews, and short communications from Pharmaceutical, Medical Biotechnology, and related Health science fields may be selected for publication.
  2. Manuscripts will be considered for publication only if they are not previously published elsewhere either in part or in full form or being consideration for publication in any other Journal.
  3. The suitability of the manuscripts for publication will be determined after primary editorial review and if found acceptable, will be peer reviewed. After this process, manuscripts will be returned for revision along with reviewer’s and editor’s comments/published/rejected.
  4. Prepare the manuscripts in MS word doc (2003 or higher versions) ,Times New Roman font with a size of 12 and 1.5 line spacing in A4 format.
  5. Manuscript should be arranged in the following order; Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.
  6. The title page should include the Title of the article, Author’s names and affiliations. The corresponding author’s (marked with *) mailing address , e-mail id and Phone number must be specified.
  7. A  Non structured abstract with a maximum of 250 words in a separate page is required for research articles. A maximum of 4 key words must be given at the end of abstract.
  8. The manuscript must be concise, and should not have more than 15 pages. Editorial board will have all rights to restrict the content.
  9. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Cite in the text by the appropriate Arabic numeral enclosed in parentheses (e.g., [1], [2-5], etc. Journals: Mensor L,Fabio S, Menezes, Teresa C, Cintra S. The screening of Brazilian plant extracts for antioxidant activity by DPPH free radical method. Phytother. Res. 2001:15(5):127-130. Books Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Moore PK. Pharmacology. 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier; London, 2003.p.693
  10. Each table must be given on a separate page with a brief and self explanatory caption. Materials that are presented in the figures need not be duplicated in the tables.
  11. All figures (drawings,photographs,diagrams and charts) should be submitted separately. Figures should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. References should be made in the text to each figure. Figures should be of a size as to allow a reduction of atleast 50%.
  12. Results should be analysed statistically wherever necessary.
  13. The chemical structures should be drawn with chemsketch/chemdraw softwares or should be drawn neatly in transparent sheets and chemical names should be according to the IUPAC system.
  14. Studies involving animals or human subjects should have the ethical committee clearance.
  15. Processing fee: Accepted articles are liable for a processing fee of INR 2000 (for Indians) and US $ 100 (for International authors).
  16. Submission of manuscript: Authors are requested to submit the manuscript through E.mail Postal submission will not be entertained.
  17. Disclaimer: while the advice and information in this journal is believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, neither the authors, nor the editors and the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors and omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or imply with respect to material contained herein.
  18. Case reports: New, interesting and rare cases can be reported. case report should be unique, describing a great diagnostic or therapeutic challenge and providing a learning point for the readers. Cases with clinical significance or implications will be given priority. These communications could be of up to 1000 words (excluding Abstract and references) and should have the following headings: Abstract (unstructured), Key-words, Introduction, Case report, Discussion, Reference, Tables and Legends in that order.

The manuscript could be of up to 1000 words (excluding references and abstract) and could be supported with up to 10 references. Case Reports could be authored by up to four authors