Bacteriological Study of Sputum in Adult Respiratory Tract Infection: A Study from Eastern India

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,2017,7,3,1655-1660.
Published:September 2017
Type:Research Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Rudrajit Paul1, Jayanti Ray1, Jayati Mondal2, Shubhabrata Das3

1Department of Medicine, Medical College Kolkata. 700073, West Bengal, India.

2RMO-Cum-Clinical Tutor, Chittaranjan SevaSadan, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

3Clinical fellow, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada.


Respiratory tract infection (RTI) is one of the commonest community acquired infections. The incidence and severity varies between children and adults but it is a significant cause of both outdoor visits and hospital admissions in all age groups. Indian studies have consistently shown that RTI constitutes a major disease burden in both rural and urban areas [1]. The incidence and morbidity of RTI is more in children, especially in the under-5 age group. But for adults too, this is a major cause of medical consultation. Data from UK general practice clinics have shown that up to 25% of the adult population visit their GP clinic each year for an episode of RTI

Some imaging findings of patients with RTI: A- left sided pneumonia; B- right sided pneumonia with pleural effusion