Formulation and Optimization of Hydro Dynamically Balanced Tablet Ranitidine Hydrochloride

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences,2011,1,2,61-65.
Published:May 2011
Type:Research Article

Hydro dynamically tablet of ranitidine hydrochloride were prepared by wet granulation method. The tablets were formulated and optimized on the basis of in vitro drug release studies. Tablet were fabricate using high viscosity grade of polymers HPMC K100M with another gelling properties polymer carbopol 934 and effervescing agent sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 ) in combination with acidulent adipic acid (CH2)4(COOH)2. Before development of formulation of ranitidine hydrochloride tablet, the Preformulation study was done successfully. IR spectra studies revealed that the drug and the polymers used were compatible. Various batches were prepared and optimized on the basis of various evaluations parameters. The evaluation parameters like hardness, friability and content weight uniformity were within the limits for various formulated batches. Buoyancy lag time (BLT), Total buoyancy time (TBT) and in vitro drug release study batch F3 showed satisfactory results.

In-vitro Drug release Profile of Rantitidine from batch F1 to F7